Bike Servicing


Parts sourcing

Bike parts ordered and delivery taken. Additional cost for bike part assembly.


Bike assembly

Bike delivery taken and assembled.


Bike clean and inspection report

Professionally cleaned, finely tuned and lubricated. Full testing and inspection report included.


Bike maintenance and replacement parts

All necessary bike parts replaced and to your specifications, includes bike clean and inspection report. Due to Covid 19 bike parts may be subject to a long waiting time.


Custom bike build

Sourcing all bike parts for customised build.

Bike Servicing

Parts Sourcing POA€

Bike parts ordered and delivery taken. Additional cost for bike part assembly.

Bike Assembly 75€

Bike delivery taken and assembled.

Bike Clean and Inspection Report 75€

Professionally cleaned, finely tuned and lubricated. Full testing and inspection report included.

Bike Maintenance and Replacement Parts 120€

All necessary bike parts replaced and to your specifications, includes bike clean and inspection report. Due to Covid 19 bike parts may be subject to a long waiting time.

Custom Bike Build 200€+

Sourcing all bike parts for customised build.